New Tax Deadline Is Official — July 15, 2020

Both the IRS and Treasury have announced that the deadline to file AND pay your individual federal income tax for the tax year of 2019 has been extended to July 15, 2020.  Many states have extended their deadlines as well; please check with us to determine the deadline applicable to you if you live in […]

The FIRPTA Process for Foreign Investors

There are few acronyms scarier to a non-resdient real estate investor than FIRPTA. By now, most real estate investors, agents, bankers, title companies and just about anyone involved in real estate is familiar with the dreaded FIRPTA. It can make or break deals.So what is FIRPTA? In a nutshell, FIRPTA laws require that a non-resident […]

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act made major changes to the tax law and those changes will begin to take affect in 2018. Some of the major changes affect the current withholding rates. Some of those changes are as follows: 1) Reduced tax rates. 2) Elimination of personal exemptions. 3) Increased standard deductions: $12,000 for singles, […]